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  • Spanish language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Spanish (i/ˈspænɪʃ/, español), also called Castilian (i/kæˈstɪliən/, castellano ), is a Romance language that originated in the Castile region of Spain and today has hundreds of millions of native-speakers across the world.

  • Spanish- русский перевод - bab.la словарь
    Перевод Spanish в русском словаре бесплатно. Еще переводы на русский: Spanish fly.

  • Learn Spanish
    Learn Spanish online. Free tutorial with audio, cultural notes, a random idiom generator, a list of Spanish schools, and links to other helpful sites.

  • Spanish - это... Что такое Spanish?
    Spanish — Span ish, a. Of or pertaining to Spain or the Spaniards.

  • Испанский язык — Википедия
    Сюзанна Вальд, Сеси Крайнак. Испанский язык для чайников. 2-е издание = Spanish For Dummies, 2nd Edition. — М.: «Диалектика», 2011.

  • Spanish Language: Learn Spanish grammar, vocabulary and culture
    Spanish Language Essentials. 29 Lessons on Mood and Voice of Spanish Verbs.

  • Spanish: перевод, произношение, транскрипция, примеры...
    the Spanish Main — ист. «испанский материк», территория Южной Америки и прилегающие к ней моря, захваченные испанскими завоевателями Spanish money...

  • Spanish With Paul - YouTube
    Learn Spanish words and vocabulary with the easiest Spanish lessons on the internet! Just watch a few of my videos, visit the site and youll see EXACTLY wha...

  • BBC - Learn Spanish with free online lessons
    Plus Spanish slang and Spanish TV.

  • Spanish language, alphabet and pronunciation
    Spanish (español/castellano). Spanish is a Romance language with approximately 470 million speakers, 410 of whom speak it as a first language while the remainder speak it as a second language.

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