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  • HHVM versus PHP-FPM 5.4 vs PHP-FPM 5.5: performance comparison
    This makes sense, as PHP is single-threaded and I was only starting the benchmark one request at a time. However, when starting the benchmarking on HHVM...

  • Benchmarking PHP 7 vs HHVM - Drupal and Wordpress Jeff Geerling
    One benchmark that really stood out to me (in that it seemed so wrong for Drupal, based on my experience) was The Definitive PHP 7.0 & HHVM Benchmark from Kinsta.

  • FasterCGI with HHVM « HHVM
    Benchmarks are good and exiting. Could you please provide the php and hhvm configurations you ran the test?? Anyway hhvm is promising.

  • The Definitive PHP 7 (Final Version) & HHVM Benchmark
    The Definitive PHP 7.0 & HHVM Benchmark. It’s been in the works for quite some time and after a long wait PHP 7 was released on December 3, 2015.

  • Go vs Node vs PHP vs HHVM and Wordpress Benchmarks
    Most of the other benchmarks were fairly stable, but HHVM would average over 3,000 on the first three runs, then drop off on the next three.

  • Symfony Benchmarks: PHP 5.6, HHVM 3.11 and PHP 7.0.1
    Symfony Finland Random things on PHP, Symfony and web development. Symfony Benchmarks: PHP 5.6, HHVM 3.11 and PHP 7.0.1.

  • HHVM vs Zephir vs PHP: The showdown · Simon Holywell
    Yes, there is one outright winner in this particular benchmark, but it is important not to get hung up on that.

  • An benchmark hhvm and plural php
    WordPress Shortcode. Lien. Drupal hhvm benchmark. 249. Partagez.

  • php performance hhvm php7 benchmarks
    HHVM vs PHP 7: грядёт конкуренция Перевод. php performance hhvm php7 benchmarks.

  • PHP 7 vs HHVM Benchmark Series 2: WordPress « LiteSpeed Blog
    We also upgraded lsphp7 to the latest git version dated 07/24/2015 and lsphp56 to 5.6.11. PHP 7 and PHP 56 have Zend Opcode cache enabled. The HHVM OSS performance benchmark suite (https...

  • Информация взята v3.kz
