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  • libraries_detect libraries.module Drupal 7 DrupalContrib
    error: If an error occurred during library detection, one of the following error statuses: "not found", "not detected", "not supported".

  • Call to undefined function libraries_detect()...
    A grant grew our local community by helping our members learn to develop and use Drupal. - Solomon Kitumba, CCG recipient and Drupal front-end developer in Uganda.

  • function libraries_detect() not found [#1876610] Drupal.org
    if (($library = libraries_detect(nivo-slider)) && !empty($library[installed])). {Where is this function supposed to be defined? Started happening after upgrading nivo to the latest stable version. Same issue with 0.7.15 and 0.7.18 of drupal core.

  • Fatal error: Call to undefined function libraries_detect() in Drupal 7.24
    Im getting the following error when trying to configure Disqus on a Drupal site. Fatal error: Call to undefined function libraries_detect() in /my_site_path_for_mobiidon.com/sites/all/modules/disqus/disqus.admin.inc on line 112.

  • ...drupal выдает ошибку Call to undefined function libraries_detect()?
    При остановке модуля IconBox drupal выдает ошибку Call to undefined function libraries_detect()?

  • modules - Geshi does not detect libraries on Drupal 7 - Drupal...
    _ Drupal Answers is a question and answer site for Drupal developers and administrators. Its 100% free, no registration required.

  • Подключение библиотек в Drupal через Libraries API - Блог...
    $library = libraries_detect(jscrollpane); if (empty($library[installed])).

  • установка jw player Drupal в рунете
    Это в описании видно... Ключ в теле скрипта... А я на Друпал 7 его ставлю.... Мне его где прикрутить?

  • libraries - ...visit the project page at http://drupal.org/project/libraries
    by tstoeckler: Allow detecting all libraries by calling libraries_detect(). Tobias Stöckler. 3 months.

  • Detect JS ELLEXDev Studio
    Этот инструмент позволяет узнать подробности об устройстве. Реализован на библиотеке Detect.js версии 2.2.1. и реализует отображение всех данных предоствляемых библиотекой.

  • Информация взята v3.kz
