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  • Kula ring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Kula, also known as the Kula exchange or Kula ring, is a ceremonial exchange system conducted in the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea. The Kula ring was made famous by the father of modern anthropology, Bronisław Malinowski...

  • Круг Кула — Википедия
    Круг Кула (Kula ring) — система взаимного церемониального обмена, встречающаяся в провинции Милн-Бей в Папуа — Новой Гвинее. Круг Кула объединяет 18 островных поселений, расположенных на архипелаге Массим (включая острова Тробриан).

  • б. малиновский кула - Энциклопедии & Словари
    МАЛИНОВСКИЙ Малиновский (Malinowski) Бронислав Каспер (07.04.1884, Краков

  • МАЛИНОВСКИЙ (1884-1942): Бронислав Малиновский начал...
    Бронислав Малиновский начал преподавать в Лондоне в 1924 г. Рэймонд Фёрс (позже

  • classes.uleth.ca/200701/anth2010a/Malinowski and the Kula...
    Malinowski and the Tro Trobriand Islands are 100 miles east of Papua N Introductor Subsistence

  • PPT – Malinowski and the Trobriands: Kula and Magic PowerPoint...
    1 Malinowski and the Trobriands Kula and Magic. Trobriand Islands are 100 miles east of Papua New Guinea and 600 miles northeast of Australia.

  • Explain the meaning of the Kula Ring and discuss its functions among...
    According to Malinowski, "A Kula community consists of a village or a number of villages, who go out together on big oversea^ expeditions, and who act as a body in the Kula transactions...

  • The Kula-Ring of Bronislaw Malinowski Co-Evolution of an Economic...
    The Kula-Ring of Bronislaw Malinowski. Soulava – Necklaces. Slide Number 43.

  • Bronislaw Malinowski - Psychology Wiki - Wikia
    Assessment Biopsychology Comparative Cognitive Developmental Language Individual differences Personality Philosophy Social Methods Statistics Clinical Educational Industrial Professional items World psychology .

  • kula_ring
    Malinowski considers the motivation for the enormous expenditure of time and effort involved in kula expeditions to be fundamentally non-utilitarian "in that they [the kula valuables]...

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