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Поисковая система v3.kz поможет ускорить индексацию вашего сайта выводит в Топ
  • Configuring Rails Applications — Ruby on Rails Guides
    Rails Applications Rails Command Line Tools and Rake Tasks Asset Pipeline Working with

  • Cannot load `Rails.application.database_configuration`: Unknown...
    Now I get this error Psych::BadAlias Cannot load Rails.application.database_configuration: Unknown alias: default.

  • database_configuration (Rails::Application::Configuration) - APIdock
    # File railties/lib/rails/application/configuration.rb, line 97.

  • Sharing a Database Among Multiple Rails Applications 8th Light
    This will not be a Rails application; it will just be a Ruby module that your Rails application will

  • Getting Started with Rails 4.x on Heroku Heroku Dev Center
    Store your App in Git. Deploy your application to Heroku. Migrate your database.

  • Efficiently Creating Database Applications with Ruby On Rails
    Open the command prompt and navigate to ../ruby/InstantRails/rails_apps • • Type “rails mycookbook” o This created the MVC file architecture for the application • By default, it wants to use a database...

  • Ruby on Rails Authentication with EMail... Database Applications
    Now install Rails: $ sudo gem install rails To see which rails was installed, do $ rails -v I get Rails 2.3.2.

  • Rails Multi-Database Best Practices Roundup - CustomInk Technology...
    Seamless second database integration for Rails.

  • How To Use MySQL with Your Ruby on Rails Application on Ubuntu...
    Then well show you how to create a rails application that uses MySQL as its database server. Prerequisites.

  • Ruby on Rails Database Setup
    Ruby on Rails recommends to create three databases - a database each for development, testing, and production environment.

  • Информация взята v3.kz
