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  • Huldrych Zwingli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In 1529, a war between the two sides was averted at the last moment. Meanwhile, Zwinglis ideas came to the attention of Martin Luther and other reformers.

  • Calling and resistance: Huldrych Zwingli’s (1484-1531) political...
    Bullinger extended Zwingli’s formulations concerning both the relationship between spiritual and civil government as well as the Biblical idea of magisterial office. Pertaining to Zwingli’s resistance theory...

  • ...similarities and differences between the ideas of Luther and Zwingli
    Both Luther and Zwingli got ideas from Erasmus on the need to reform the Church.

  • Biography: Zwingli, Ulrich About.com Agnosticism/Atheism
    Zwinglis ideas and influence spread to a number of cities around Switzerland, but he encountered more

  • Zwingli
    Two important differences between Luther and Zwingli should be stressed

  • Ulrich Zwingli - ReligionFacts
    In 1529, a war between the two sides was averted at the last moment. Meanwhile, Zwingli’s ideas came to the attention of Martin Luther and other reformers.

  • Ask. Answer. Understand. Get real-time study help. Join the world...
    Which of the following represents a contrast between the ideas of Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin? A.Zwingli believed in the creation of a Christian state...

  • Huldrych Zwingli Essay - Critical Essays - eNotes.com
    But the growing success of Zwinglis ideas in Zurich, Bern, and Basel led to increasing conflicts with

  • Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation - Online Library of Liberty
    Yet the novelty of Zwingli’s ideas and the wide appeal some of them held for other reformers

  • The Open Door Web Site : History : Huldreick Zwingli
    The direct relationship between man and God (without the need for priests).

  • Информация взята v3.kz
