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  • BBS — Википедия
    Bulletin Board System — электронная доска объявлений). Широко используемый во времена редкости кабельных компьютерных сетей способ общения пользователей компьютеров через коммутируемые телефонные сети.

  • Bulletin board system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A bulletin board system, or BBS, is a computer server running custom software that allows users to connect to the system using a terminal program. Once logged in, the user can perform functions such as uploading and downloading software and data, reading news and bulletins...

  • Bulletin board system
    A Bulletin Board System, or BBS, is a computer system running software that allows users to connect and login to the system using a terminal program. Originally BBSes were accessed only over a phone line using a modem...

  • Category:Bulletin board systems - Wikimedia Commons
    Bahasa Indonesia: Sistem Papan Buletin atau yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah bahasa Inggris Bulletin Board System (BBS) adalah sistem elektronik yang standar, rendah biaya, dan akar rumput untuk menyiarkan atau merespon informasi mengenai suatu tema yang spesifik.

  • Bulletin_Board_System : definition of Bulletin_Board_System...
    A Bulletin Board System, or BBS, is a computer system running software that allows users to connect and log in to the system using a terminal program. Once logged in, a user can perform functions such as uploading and downloading software and data, reading news and bulletins...

  • Bulletin Board System - перевод - Английский-Русский Словарь
    en The amount and scope of information presented on the Internet and through the Bulletin Board System (BBS) will be increased.

  • What is bulletin board system (BBS)? - Definition from WhatIs.com
    A bulletin board system (BBS) is a computer or an application dedicated to the sharing or exchanging of messages or other files on a network.

  • Bulletin-Board System Словарь Мультитран
    Bulletin-Board System. прогр. Система доставки сообщений (является разновидностью службы электронной почты, которая обеспечивает обмен сообщениями между своими абонентами по схеме “каждый с каждым”.

  • Bulletin Board System BBS Telnet Tour - YouTube
    My old Fidonet BBS is still operational after over two decades of service to the bbs community and still going strong in 2015. This video tour is similar...

  • Bulletin board system : Wikis (The Full Wiki)
    Bulletin board system: Wikis. Note: Many of our articles have direct quotes from sources you can cite, within the Wikipedia article!

  • Информация взята v3.kz
