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  • Nullable Value Types (Visual Basic)
    Nullable Value Types. Type Characters. Elementary Data Types.

  • Nothing (Visual Basic)
    Visual Studio .NET 2003. Represents the default value of any data type.

  • asp.net - Visual Basic Nullable Value Types Equality - Stack Overflow
    I figured it out. I need to do. IF(Not test1.Equals(test2)).

  • Nullable Types Give Visual Basic the Ability to Say Nothing
    Nullable Types Give Visual Basic the Ability to Say Nothing.

  • VB.NET Nullable Types
    VB.NET Nullable Types - January 15th, 2014. Related Post. Value Type vs Reference Type It is amazing to me how few programmers understand the fundamentals of how variables work.

  • Nullable types - am I missing something? - Visual Basic .NET
    When I first came across nullable types I thought this may provide the answer but sadly not. I cant just pass the variable value if it is null (or nothing) but have to check HasValue first and if not pass Nothing directly.

  • Introduction to Nullable Types in VB.NET HasValue and Value
    In .NET nullable data types are data types that can be set to a null reference or, in VB.NET terms, Nothing.

  • Nullable data types in Visual Basic 9.0 DOT NET RULES
    Prior to Visual Basic 9.0 one should turn the null value from the database into a zero value in the application Nullable data types help us to avoid this mismatch in LINQ to SQL.

  • VB Helper: HowTo: Use nullable parameters in Visual Basic .NET
    This example shows how to use nullable parameters in Visual Basic .NET.

  • Nullable type in vb.net
    Nullable type in vb.net. By Abhishek Tiwari on Jun 23, 2010.

  • Информация взята v3.kz
