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  • Hepatitis C: Hep C Vaccine Facts, Symptoms, & Treatment
    Read about hepatitis C (hep C), a viral infection of the liver, and how it is spread and if its contagious.

  • Hepatitis C - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Hepatitis C is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) that primarily affects the liver. During the initial infection people often have mild or no symptoms. Occasionally a fever, dark urine, abdominal pain, and yellow tinged skin occurs.

  • Hepatitis C Medications - HEP
    Lucinda Porter Honored as a Star of Hepatitis C Advocacy

  • About Hep CHepatitis Australia
    About Hepatitis C Listen The hepatitis C virus is a member of the flavivirus family of ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses.

    Hepatitis C (Hep C for short) is caused by a virus that infects the liver. The virus is transmitted through blood. Hep C Can Lead to Serious Health Problems...

  • Hepatitis Central Hepatitis C Hepatitis C Symptoms
    The Link Between Hep C and Parkinson’s Disease. Pending further study results, Parkinson’s might be added as a possible extrahepatic manifestation of chronic Hepatitis C.

  • How Is Hepatitis C Transmitted?
    Video: Latest Treatments for Hep C → How Is Hepatitis C Transmitted?

  • Hep c - Hepatitis C - MedHelp
    Hepatitis C Community. Hep c.

  • Hepatitis C - TheBody.com Hep C and HIV Together
    Hep C viral load testing is recommended if you have been at risk for HCV or have any signs or symptoms of hepatitis.

  • Hepatitis C Hep C The American Liver Foundation
    This is the American Liver Foundation’s dedicated online information resource center for Hepatitis C (or Hep C for short).

  • Информация взята v3.kz
