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  • 2.3. type, str, dir и другие встроенные функции
    Функция type возвращает тип произвольного объекта.

  • 8.15. types — Names for built-in typesPython 2.7.11 documentation
    This module defines names for some object types that are used by the standard Python interpreter, but not for the types defined by various extension modules. Also, it does not include some of the types...

  • python - Determine the type of an object? - Stack Overflow
    Note that type() will only return the immediate type of the object, but won’t be able to tell you about type inheritance. >>> type(b) is Test1 False.

  • Python Variable Types
    Python has various standard data types that are used to define the operations possible on them and the storage method for each of them.

  • Типы данных в Python Python 3 для начинающих и чайников
    Числа в Python 3: целые, вещественные, комплексные. Работа с числами и операции над ними.

  • Встроенные типы данных в Python. Data types in Python
    В Python вам не нужно объявлять тип переменной вручную (как, например в С++).

  • Python Types and Objects
    <type type> is a subclass of <type object>. There are only two kinds of objects in Python: to be unambiguous lets call these types and non-types.

  • Отличие type() от isinstance() Программирование на Python
    Skip to main content Skip to search. Программирование на Python.

  • Python Programming/Data Types - Wikibooks, open books...
    Data types determine whether an object can do something, or whether it just would not make sense. Other programming languages often determine whether an operation makes sense for an object by making sure the object can never be stored somewhere where the operation will be performed...

  • mypy - Optional Static Typing for Python
    You can develop programs with dynamic typing and add static typing after your code has matured, or migrate existing Python code to static typing.

  • Информация взята v3.kz
