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  • Brine shrimp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Artemia is a genus of aquatic crustaceans known as brine shrimp. Artemia, the only genus in the family Artemiidae, has changed little externally since the Triassic period. The historical record of the existence of Artemia dates back to 982 from Urmia Lake, Iran...

  • Artemia Salina (Brine shrimp) adults - YouTube
    Cultivate brine shrimp/artemia in shallow water.(salinity:90ppt or 30ppt.)

  • Ogunnusi, T.A. 1* and Dosumu, O. O. 2
    In the present study hexane, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate, methanol and aqueous extracts of Euphorbia kamerunica Pax were screened for their cytotoxicity and lethality using the brine shrimp (Artemia salina) assay.

  • Artemia salina — Википедия
    Артемия (лат. Artemia salina) — вид ракообразных из класса жаброногих (Branchiopoda). Artemia salina была впервые описана (как Cancer salinus) Карлом Линнеем в его Systema Naturae в 1758 году, на основе доклада находки артемии в Лимингтоне, Англия.

  • О том, как купить цист рачка Artemia (brine shrimp eggs Artemia)...
    ООО Арсал занимается заготовкой и переработкой цист рачка Artemia (brine shrimp eggs) c 1996 г.

  • The use of the brine shrimp (artemia salina) in aquaculture.
    In view of the crucial importance of the brine shrimp Artemia salina for the future devalopmanta of fish and crustacean aquaculture throughout the world, our team at the State University of Ghent, Belgium, is focusing

  • Keywords : Artemia salina ; brine shrimp lethality test; medicinal...
    Brine shrimps (Artemia salina) were hatched using brine shrimp eggs in a conical shaped vessel (1L), filled with sterile artificial seawater (prepared using sea salt 38 g/L and adjusted to pH 8.5 using 1N NaOH) under constant aeration for 48 h. After hatching...

  • ADW: Artemia salina: INFORMATION Animal Diversity Web
    Brine shrimp are useful in toxicity tests and for education purposes because they reproduce quickly and their environment is easy to replicate.

  • Brine Shrimp - Artemia salina - Overview - Encyclopedia of Life
    Artemia salina — Overview. Brine Shrimp learn more about names for this taxon.

  • Brine Shrimp Artemia Salina
    artemia revealed wp , resulting in some Brine shrimp artemia salina more about the most widely used Corral wrote a type of artemia shrimp shrimp Wp feed culture-artemia or to use of artemisia Salina brine shrimp...

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