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  • hook_init Drupal API
    hook_init. Drupal 5. Drupal 6. Хочешь помочь с переводом? Это очень просто и быстро.

  • 7 - dpm() in hook_init shows twice on the page - Drupal Answers
    hook_init runs once per-page request, for non-cached pages. See _drupal_bootstrap_full.

  • Что такое hook? Видеоуроки и статьи по изучению Drupal...
    То есть у нас есть событие: создание пользователя. hook_init запускается всегда перед началом инициализации страницы, а вот hook_menu запускается каждый раз при очистки кеша и с его помощью можно внедрить в Друпал свои страницы.

  • hook_init system.api.php Drupal 7 DrupalContrib
    90 functions implement hook_init().

  • hook_init system.api.php Drupal 7 Drupal API
    Allow modules to interact with the Drupal core. 13 functions implement hook_init(). Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

  • Porting hook_init() to Drupal8 QED42
    D8 beta is launched and its time to port modules from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8. One of the very widely used hooks hook_init() has been removed from Drupal 8. This has been replaced in favor of Symfony Kernel and events.

  • hook - Drupal: Catcing userId in hook_init(); - Stack Overflow
    Hook_init wont be run on cached pages, that is probably what you are seeing. If you want to run code even on cached pages you should use hook_boot, but be careful not to do something expensive, as it can become a huge performance hit.

  • init - хук-событие WordPress. Событие срабатывает...
    События которые срабатывают до init

  • Drupal Caching and hook_init
    So is drupal_add_js also disabling the cache? I even tried using a simple echo statement in hook_init() and it still seemed to echo a random number. So are all these things causing the page not to be cached or does hook_init() still get run somehow?

  • Difference between hook_boot and hook_init Drupal – Rakesh Kumar
    hook_boot hook_init Even cached page executes this hook Cached page doesnt run this hook.

  • Информация взята v3.kz
