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  • Serializing Java objects with non-serializable attributes JavaWorld
    Use custom serialization for non-serializable attributes in your Java objects.

  • setAttribute: Non-serializable attribute (Java Object Serialization)
    You can make the object serializable by using a serializable List implementation and making sure that the objects in the list are also serializable. Yes -- it is good practice to only put serializable objects in the session since this will allow your application to be run on a server with multiple nodes.

  • serialization - Serialize static attributes in Java - Stack Overflow
    Serialize static attributes in Java. up vote 0 down vote favorite.

  • Serializable (Java Platform SE 7 )
    AdapterActivator, Attribute, Attribute, Attributes, BindingIterator, CertPathValidatorException.Reason, ClientRequestInfo, ClientRequestInterceptor, Codec, CodecFactory, Control

  • SerializableAttribute - класс (System)
    Указывает на возможность сериализации класса. Этот класс не наследуется. Пространство имен: System Сборка: mscorlib (в mscorlib.dll).

  • Simple 2.7.1 Java Bean serialization
    Nested object serialization. Optional elements and attributes.

  • Serializing Java Objects with Non-Serializable Attributes
    Home » Java » Core Java » Serializing Java Objects with Non-Serializable Attributes.

  • 15 Java Serialization Interview Questions and Answers...
    The core of Java Serialization is the Serializable interface.

  • Java Serialization
    java.io.Externalizable interface which extends java.io.Serializable. When an object is serialized, the highest serializable class in its derivation hierarchy is

  • Serialization in Java - CoderPanda
    Transient variable in Serialization. If one attribute need not be serializable then that should be specified as transient. In the above example all the attributes are

  • Информация взята v3.kz
