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  • Pet - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)
    Pets are the NPC allies that constitute the Rangers special mechanic. Each pet belongs to a family that determines its primary attributes and its three auto-attacking pet skills; its species determines the fourth, user-controlled skill.

  • Pet Location Maps - Ranger - Guild Wars 2 Guru Forum
    I put together the locations of all the known pets from the betas that will appear in all the 1 to 15 zones and 15 to 30 zones. This should help anyone wanting a specific pet, or anyone who wants to get all the pets in an area (go team beard!)

  • GuildWars2-Pets.com :: List of all Ranger Pet Locations
    GuildWars2-Pets.com includes pictures, data of all known Guild Wars 2 ranger pets and mini pets(aka: miniatures).

  • GuildWars2-Pets.com :: A pet listing site of all Guild Wars 2 ranger...
    GuildWars2-Pets.com includes pictures, data of all known Guild Wars 2 ranger pets and mini pets(aka: miniatures).

  • Guild Wars 2 - Ranger Pet Locations - YouTube
    Find your new favorite pet with my help!

  • Ranger Pets Guide - Guild Wars 2 Life
    RANGER PETS LOCATIONS Pet locations, skills and general attributes.

  • Guild Wars 2 Ranger Pet Location Maps GuideScroll
    I put together the locations of all the known pets from the betas that will appear in all the 1 to 15 zones and 15 to 30 zones. This should help anyone

  • Guild Wars 2 Ranger Pets Locations Guide - Where To Find Them?
    For a more in-depth guide on Pets, read our Ranger Pets Guide. In this guide, we will listing down the locations where you can find all the pets for your Ranger. Guild Wars 2 Ranger Pets Locations.

  • Рейнджер - приручение петов / Guild Wars 2 Новости
    Петы рейнджеров, активно участвуют в бою, нанося повреждения и имеют специальные умения. При создании персонажа, предлагается выбрать одного из трех различных животных. Тип пета , определяет, в каких средах он может драться: водный (подводные бои), сухопутный...

  • Guild Wars 2 - Ranger Juvenile Pet Locations Guide N4G
    60°. Guild Wars 2 Cosplay Includes 9-Foot-Tall Golem.

  • Информация взята v3.kz
