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Поисковая система v3.kz поможет ускорить индексацию вашего сайта выводит в Топ
  • c# - Set DateTimePicker value to be null - Stack Overflow
    possible duplicate of DateTimePicker Null Value (.NET) – bluish Nov 13 13 at 8:38.

  • Nullable DateTimePicker - CodeProject
    Nullable datetime column in .NET DataGrid with DateTimePicker.

  • DateTimePicker и значение NULL / WinForms, .Net Framework...
    Re: DateTimePicker и значение NULL [new]. vagner Member. Откуда: Сообщений: 1713. При одной лицензии Вы разрабатывать можете только на одной машине, а программку свою можете распространять хоть по всему миру.

  • How to set DateTime to null in C# DateTimePicker Control
    By default DateTime is not nullable because it is a Value Type, using the nullable operator introduced in C# 2, you can achieve this.

  • WinForms - DataBinding DateTimePicker to a Nullable Type
    …but this throws an exception – since the DateTimePicker.Value property can’t be null.

  • Yet Another Nullable DateTimePicker Control Value
    The DateTimePicker control shipped with .NET has a very nice look and feel but lacks one important functionality: You cant enter null values. That means that, if you bind your DateTimePicker control to a dataset, you run into trouble. Because in a database its normal to have nullable DateTime values.

  • NULL DateTimePicker-VBForums
    Re: NULL DateTimePicker. The point that I was trying to make was that you cant have a DateTime that is nothing, there is no such thing.

  • Writing a NULLable DateTimePicker in C#
    It is cast as a DateTime? which allows you a little bit more flexibility. We start the nullable calendar with inheriting from the DateTimePicker native control, and

  • How to create a nullable and editable DateTimePicker - Windows OS
    Handle the CheckedChanged event to make the datetimepicker visible/invisible... And add a property Value of type Nullable<DateTime> that returns the datetimepicker.Value when the checkbox is not checked.. and null otherwise...

  • How to initialize DateTimePicker to null Forum
    But Value prop of the DateTimePicker is of the DateTime type, and it is value type. It means that it cant have null value. If you want to value types have null value it must be declared with System.Nullable<[type]> class.

  • Информация взята v3.kz
