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  • List of GCC countries Population2
    Total GCC population is about 42-45 million as of July 2014 (using an estimate of about 7-8m for the UAE). About 60% of the total is for Saudi Arabia.

  • Gulf Cooperation Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (Arabic: مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية‎), originally (and still colloquially) known as the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC, مجلس التعاون الخليجي)...

  • The GCC in 2020 The Gulf and its People
    Even with these assumptions, however, the GCC’s population would grow from an estimated 39.6m in 2008 to 53.4m in 2020–a 33% increase over 12 years.

  • GCC population - 7 December 2012 - Modern Ukraine
    The GCC countries have relatively low population in comparison with other regions, totaling 45 m people in 2011, less than 1% of the global population (see table).

  • GCC-Stat - ...Demographic Characteristics of GCC Population
    Social, Economic & Demographic Characteristics of GCC Population. Contact Information. Data Sources.

  • GCC population put at 46.9mn - Emirates 247
    The total population of Gulf oil producers gained nearly 17 million in 10 years to reach 46.9 million at the end of 2011 but the percentage of nationals fell drastically, according to a regional bank. Saudi Arabia, the largest Arab economy and world’s dominant oil power...

  • Maximising Women’s participation in The GCC Population Strategy
    GCC Population, Education and Female Participation Latest figures from 2006 show a GCC population of around 36 million, 48% of which are women; however...

  • Population Growth and Government Modernisation Efforts: The Case...
    There are serious concerns among GCC countries about the stability of the national identity in light of the disproportionate population demographics.

  • Population Trend in GCC countries
    Figure 1 GCC POPULATION 1998. SOURCE : UN ESCWA. As for other indicators, population density is highest in Bahrain, which has 885.1 person par km2 in contrast with the lowest Oman...

  • GCC population to reach nearly 50 million in 2013 - Telegraph
    Expat workers are expected to help swell the population of the Gulf Co-operation Council countries to almost 50 million next year.

  • Информация взята v3.kz
