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  • ProjectsLotterywest Grant examples
    Project grants from Lotterywest can help get your project up and running. Applications can be made at any time. Find out more online today.

  • 2006 Lotterywest Interpretation of Cultural Heritage Grants Program
    Make sure you talk to Faye Overheu at Lotterywest to see whether your project is suitable for a particular grant. You don’t have to limit your projects to the main grant rounds for Interpretation or Conservation projects – there are many other funding programs suitable for museums and you can...

  • Факультет проектной деятельности и фандрайзинга - Главная...
    Проекты и гранты. Диагностика ваших знаний. Бесплатный курс «Как выиграть грант?» Руководство «Как научиться разрабатывать проекты и получать гранты?» ДК «Разработка проектов и заявок на гранты.

  • Interpretation Intro And Grants 2010
    An introduction to Cultural Heritage Planinng and Projects and the Lotterywest grants program.

  • Lotterywest Grants in May.
    Lotterywest Grants in May. $13 million in grants were given to 104 community groups this month.

  • Grants available for sports clubs
    Club One has a small grants program to provide up to $500 (more on merit) to Clubs to assist in small projects and activities.

  • Lotterywest forum
    LOTTERYWEST FORUMIs your club eligible for a Grant? This FREE workshop, presented by representatives from Lotterywest, is a chance for your club to gain a better understanding of the type of projects and organisations that are eligible for funding though Lotterywest.

  • Lotterywest Grants – New Online Application Forms
    In the meantime, the Lotterywest Grants team want to reassure all of you familiar with the. current grant processes that it’s still ‘business as usual!’

  • Sport & Recreation Grants
    Sport & Recreation Grants People Projects can assist with project management/ planning, grant submissions, acquittals and marketing communications.

  • Projects - Grants Empire
    Projects. Cygnet bay pearl farm.

  • Информация взята v3.kz
