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  • What is Organic Farming?
    HDRA - the organic organisation page 2 Organic Farming Why farm organically? Organic farming provides long-term benefits to people and the environment.

  • Organic farming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Organic farming is a form of agriculture that relies on sustainable techniques to enhance the natural fertility of a farm, including crop rotation, companion planting, biological pest control, and naturally-sourced fertilizers such as compost, manure, green manure, and bone meal.

  • Organic farming
    Main article: History of organic farming. Organic farming (of many particular kinds) was the original type of agriculture, and has been practiced for thousands of years.

  • Organic farming - European Commission
    Introduction to organic sector in the European Union – growth of organics, explanation of production process, and

  • Organic Farming - humans, body, used, water, process, plants, form...
    Organic farming is the process by which crops are raised using only natural methods to maintain soil fertility and to control pests.

  • Органическое ЗемлеДелие
    Принцип 2. Даешь органику! Отказ от минеральных удобрений. Внесение в почву органики является необходимым условием ее плодородия.

  • organic farming Facts, information, pictures...
    By that time organic farming was well established as an alternative approach. Further environmental activism in the 1970s made many aware of organic agriculture and organic foods.

  • A Wikipedia for Schools article about Organic farming. Content...
    While the European Union has shifted agricultural subsidies to organic farmers in recognition of its environmental benefits

  • Organic Farming - Hobby Farms
    Many people believe organic farming cannot be done on a large scale and prefer to buy their organic food from the farm down the road rather than from the factory farm.

  • ORGANIC FARMING :: Basic Steps of Organic Farming
    What is organic farming / organic farming concept and development.

  • Информация взята v3.kz
