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  • php - Remove the last character from string - Stack Overflow
    trim($string, ",") would remove trailing and leading commas. (trim on PHP.net).

  • php - how do i remove a comma off the end of a string? - Stack...
    I am adding the string dynamically, so sometimes there is no comma at the end of the string. How can I have PHP remove the comma off the end of the

  • php - Remove comma from end of this string? - Stack Overflow
    Javascript chop/slice/trim off last character in string. 16. Php how to remove any last commas.

  • PHP: trim - Manual
    To show off the empty positions in a string by means of trim()

  • Trimming Blanks from a String (PHP Cookbook) - e-Reading Library
    1.9. Trimming Blanks from a String. 1.9.1. Problem. You want to remove whitespace from the beginning or end of a string.

  • PHP trim() Function
    Remove whitespaces from both sides of a string: <?php $str = " Hello World! "; echo "Without trim: " . $str; echo "<br>"; echo "With trim: " . trim($str); ?> The HTML output of the code above will be (View Source)

  • Recipe 1.9. Trimming Blanks from a String
    Trimming Blanks from a String. 1.9.1. Problem. You want to remove whitespace from the beginning or end of a string.

  • Chop i characters off the end of a string.
    31 Truncate text on a whitespace boundary (near a specified length). 32 Used to print out a string for error messages, chops is off at 60 chars for historical reasons.

  • PHP Trim String PHP Tutorials
    The PHP trim function is used to remove whitespace and other characters from the beginning and end of a string. Not all data (especially data from external sources) comes clean and nicely formatted.

  • PHP : Function Reference : String Functions : trim PHP Examples...
    Examples ( Source code ) » String trim chop and length. Examples ( Source code ) » Execute help command

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