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  • [framework] Meterpreter script to auto-migrate
    [framework] Meterpreter script to auto-migrate. Lukas Kuzmiak metasploit at backstep.net Sat Dec 13 12:52:28 CST 2008.

  • Metasploit: Meterpreter script to auto-migrate
    Meterpreter script to auto-migrate. From: metasploit at backstep.net (Lukas Kuzmiak) Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 19:52:28 +0100.

  • Automatic migration to a new process with meterpreter
    Friday, December 12, 2008. Automatic migration to a new process with meterpreter. Playing with metasploits new ie_xml_corruption module, I needed a way to automatically migrate outside

  • AutoRunScript offensive Infosec Blog
    Metasploit auto run scripts are great when you need a module to run automatically post exploitation. Getting a single script to run post meterpreter is pretty easy, but what if you wanted multiple post

  • Meterpreter Scripting: Migrate Clone - Metasploit - Pentester Academy
    This is a placeholder for community discussions about the Pentester Academy video: http://PentesterAcademy.com/video?id=543 [image] You are allowed to do any of the following activities in your post: Discuss/Deb…

  • Auto Migrate Script on Session Startup Forum
    So I want to write a script so that when I have the handler started and when they open the pdf and the meterpreter session is opened that it will automaticly run the migrate.rb script inside meterpreter with out me being there to do it so that It will...

  • Секреты Meterpreter Payload / Хабрахабр
    meterpreter > migrate 1888 #1888 — PID процесса, вывести список процессов - ps [*] Migrating to 1888... [*] Migration completed successfully.

  • Video - usbsploit.rb 0.5b split into 3 scripts with Metasploit: Migration...
    USBsploit works through Meterpreter sessions (wmic, railgun, migration) with a light modified version of Metasploit.

  • Секреты Meterpreter Payload
    Migrating to 1888... Migration completed successfully. Далее, как правило, выполняется повышение привилегий до системных.

  • Meterpreter Basics - Metasploit Unleashed migrate
    meterpreter > run post/windows/manage/migrate [*]. Running module against V-MAC-XP [*] Current server process: svchost.exe (1076) [*] Migrating to explorer.exe...

  • Информация взята v3.kz
