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Homepage. Linux. Installing and Configuring phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 13.04. Assuming you have already installed the phpmyadmin package, download the package you need from the sire. In my case I downloaded the phpMyAdmin-4.0.0-english.7z package from the official site and decompressed it in my Desktop folder. root@ip-10-48-234-13:~# apt-get install phpmyadmin Reading package lists… Install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 13.04 Ubuntu 11.10 or Ubuntu 11.04 or Ubuntu 10.10 or Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. PhpMyAdmin is an open source tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL with the use of a Web browser. Installing LAMP on ubuntu is much easier, just few useful commands and your LAMP stack is up and running. Let’s get started..!! Here’s how to install or upgrade to the latest version of phpMyAdmin (4.0.6) in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server, Ubuntu 10.04 Server, Ubuntu 13.04 and Ubuntu 12.10 via PPA. To get started, connect to your Ubuntu server. Phpmyadmin install ubuntu 13.04. I thought netbeans c++ I d install the new Ubuntu on it and use it to code while bt login module for joomla download in the John or while standing in the line at Starbucks. Установка PhpMyAdmin в Ubuntu 13.04. Because it is available via PPA, installing phpMyAdmin 4.0.6 on Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Elementary OS is easy. All you have to do is add the ppa to your system, update the local repository index and install the phpmyadmin package. Berikut cara Ringkas dan Sederhana untuk Instalasi Install Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin pada Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail. cara ini tidak mengikat, anda bisa mendapatkan cara yang lebih komplet dari berbagai sumber terpecaya seperti www.howtoforge.com. Информация взята v3.kz |