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  • Getting Started with JSON in Drupal 7 WebWash
    I noticed when we enable the drupal default caching mechanism json output also gets cached and behave weirdly if we clear browser cache.

  • drupal_json_output common.inc Drupal 7 Drupal API
    drupal_json_output($var = NULL). Returns data in JSON format.

  • Drupal create a page that outputs JSON - Stack Overflow
    The JSON server module gives you JSON output of nodes. If you want more custom JSON, you can use hook_menu() to create a new menu callback (basically a URL path pointed to a function) and then use: Drupal_json() - Drupal6. Drupal_json_output() - Drupal7.

  • ...аякс с выдачей JSON в своем модуле на друпале? Drupal...
    FAQ. Как проще всего реализовать аякс с выдачей JSON в своем модуле на друпале?

  • 7 - ...I return JSON data compatible with the Boost module? - Drupal...
    You need to add. Module_invoke_all(exit); To the template-file, immediately prior to the exit or die statement. This will trigger the boost-modules code that stores the generated output in a cache-file.

  • Создание данных в формате JSON в Drupal 7 Заметки о Друпале
    Заметки о Друпале. Drupal - пожалуй лучший конструктор сайтов.

  • Exploring the Cache API in Drupal 8
    It’s a simple page that in its rendering logic makes an external API call (to a dummy JSON endpoint) and caches its results.

  • Drupal: Кэширование в Render API xandeadx.ru
    В Drupal 7, в калбаках меню или любых других функциях, которые что-то выводят на экран, принято возвращать "рендер массив".

  • Caching in Drupal KnackForge Soft Solutions Pvt Ltd
    Drupal internal caching can be integrated with a preferred caching backend instead of default cache DB table.

  • drupal: includes/common.inc File Reference - doxygen documentation...
    Old cache files are not deleted immediately when the lookup variable is emptied, but are deleted after a set period by drupal_delete_file_if_stale().

  • Информация взята v3.kz
