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  • EF-G • ru.knowledgr.com
    Соответственный к EF-Tu + тРНК, EF-G также связывает с рибосомой в ее GTP-направляющемся государстве.

  • Coupling of GTP hydrolysis by EF-G to tRNA
    Such a function implies that the transition from EFG-GTP to EF-G-GDP-Pi is accompanied by a structural rearrangement of the factor that is coupled to a conformational change of the pre-translocation complex (Savelsbergh et al., 2003).

  • EF-G - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    EF-G or elongation factor G (historically known as translocase) is a prokaryotic elongation factor and a GTPase responsible for catalyzing the coordinated movement of tRNA and mRNA through the ribosome.

  • Моат а г фостeр й w спeцтор м п (eдс ) мицробиал...
    P site 2 GDP N-Formyl Met. 5 E site EF-G GTP Phe.

  • Crystal structure of a mutant elongation factor G trapped with a GTP...
    The crystal structure provides a first insight into conformational changes induced in EF-G by GTP.

  • Translation elongation factor EFG/EF2 (IPR004540) < InterPro...
    Family relationships. Translation elongation factor EFG/EF2 (IPR004540).

  • SMART: EFG_IV domain annotation
    The EF2-GTP-ribosome complex undergoes extensive structural rearrangement for tRNA-mRNA movement to occur.

  • sites.fas.harvard.edu/~biotext/animations/TRANSLATE20b.swf
    EFG Elongation factor G (EF-G) is a GTPase that is responsible for translocating the ribosome one codon unit along the mRNA after each peptidyl transferase reaction. GTP-bound EF-G binds to the A site of the ribosome.

  • ji hyo and gary
    ef g efg /-g gtp. смотреть серии бесплатно. скачивать фильмы скачать ipad.

  • Following movement of domain IV of elongation factor G during...
    The translocation of tRNAs and mRNA is catalyzed by a universally conserved ribosome-dependent GTPase [elongation factor G (EFG) in prokaryotes and elongation factor 2 (EF-2) in eukaryotes].

  • Информация взята v3.kz
