Карта сайта Интеллектуальная поисковая системаДобавить свою ссылку по ключевому запросуПоисковая система v3.kz поможет ускорить индексацию вашего сайта выводит в Топ |
Snapshots of Google Chrome Hidden Pages or Configuration Parameters. about:network. Is there an “about:config” (Firefox) In Googles Chrome? up vote 45 down vote favorite. Например about:config ? Показаны сообщения 1–13 из 13. 1.3 Chromium overrides/overwrites Preferences file. 1.4 Search engines. 1.5 Tmpfs. Mothership configuration files. Listing One -- A simple configuration file. When users start Chromium / Google Chrome for the first time, they dont yet have any Preferences file. A file named "master_preferences" located next to chrome.exe or chromium executable, is used as a template for what becomes users Preferences file. This is not the place to edit your configuration settings. This is a reference to the entries in about:config, where all user preferences can be Chrome Easter eggs:Firefox has its set of "about:config" files that allow the user to configure the browser and its performance, Google Chrome has its share of. This is the initializer inside my application config/initializers/supportator.rb. Supportator.configure({:chrome => 30, :ie => 11}). This is the configuration file of the gem lib/supportator.rb Google Chrome vs Chromium. Информация взята v3.kz |