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  • How Basalt and Gabbro are Both the Same Yet Different JOIDES...
    Both basalt and gabbro are made from the same kind of molten rock with the same chemistry. It is relatively low in silica, but high in magnesia and iron (that’s what I meant by ingredients).

  • Gabbro and Basalt are Related
    Gabbro and Basalt are Related. Gabbros are equivalent in composition to basalts.

    Смотреть что такое "ГАББРО-БАЗАЛЬТ" в других словарях: габбро-базальтгаббро базальт, габбро базальта … Орфографический словарь-справочник.

  • Textures of Basalts and Gabbros
    Basalts and gabbros are volcanic rocks that are common to the Earth, Moon, Mars, many large asteroids, and probably to Mercury and Venus.

  • Базальт — Википедия
    База́льт — основная эффузивная горная порода нормального ряда, самая распространённая из всех кайнотипных пород. Палеотипными аналогами базальта являются диабаз и базальтовый порфирит.

  • Mafic Rock Basalt and Gabbro
    It is also sometimes called basaltic since the class includes basalt and gabbro. It is in a high temperature range of the Bowen reaction series.

  • Basalt and granite vs. gabbro and rhyolite
    In simple terms, gabbro is just the cooled magma chamber for the basaltic flows that erupt at the surface.

  • Figure 1. Age spectrum plot, Site 334 gabbro.
    46. LEG 37 BASALTS AND GABBRO: K-Ar AND.40Ar-39Ar DATING P.H. Reynolds and W. Clay, Department of Geology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia...

  • How does gabbro and basalt differ
    Igneous rocks like gabbro and basalt are silica-deficient with high magnesium and iron?

  • Are gabbro and basalt chemically similar? - Homework Help...
    Another difference between basalt and gabbro has to do with their grains, or the size of the crystals within the rocks. Basalt is fine-grained whereas gabbro is coarsely-grained.

  • Информация взята v3.kz
