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  • Chinese President Xi Meets with Obama, US Tech Leaders
    Chinese President Meets with President Obama, US Business Leaders.

  • Macey Meets President Obama - YouTube
    The presidential expert got to meet a President for the first time, and asked him some very important questions.

  • President Obama Meets Видео! - www.fassen.net-Видео сёрфинг
    Raw Video #2: President Obama meets peop... President Barack Obama walked along 15th Street in downtown Denver Tuesday night, chatting with people. He even met a guy wearing a horse head.

  • ...Obama Meets with President-elect Poroshenko. Порошенко и Обама
    Vatka/tv. President Obama Meets with President-elect Poroshenko. Президент порошенко барак обама жополиз подстилка обезьяна обама порошенко president-elect poroshenko.

  • Obama Meets With Cubas President Castro On Historic Trip
    Obama and Castro met for half an hour during a regional summit in Panama last April and they also had a brief encounter at Nelson Mandelas funeral in 2013 and at longer meeting at the U.N. General Assembly last September. Besides meeting Castro, Obama also plans to visit a...

  • Барак Обама прибыл с официальным визитом в Аргентину
    Президент США Барак Обама прибыл в Аргентину с официальным двухдневным визитом.

  • President Obama Meets with Baltic Leaders whitehouse.gov
    President Obama hosts Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, along with Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė and Latvian President Andris Bērziņš, for a meeting at the White House.

  • Куба показала Обаме его место, несмотря на жаргон
    "Президент Обама только что приземлился на Кубе, большое дело, а Рауль Кастро даже не встретил его. Он встречал папу римского и других. Никакого уважения", — говорится в сообщении в соцсети.

  • President Obama Meets With Raul Castro During Historic Visit...
    The meeting provides Obama and his aides another reality check on their mission to extract reforms from Castro. Until this point, there have been few signs that the government here is willing to work as quickly as the Obama administration hoped in opening the...

  • President Obama meets with Cuban President Castro in historic...
    Obama, in an interview with ABC News, said he has no problem with such a meeting "just as a symbol of the end of this Cold War chapter."

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